Five foods to be avoided for healthy skin
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For everyone, healthy skin is a dream especially when years of age increases. Now a days, middle aged people are quite tensed to select cosmetics and to approach beauty salons to halt the aging process. It is remembered that along with cosmetics, selection and rejection of foods are also important to have healthy skin. Here, I listed the foods to be avoided for healthy skin.
These foods are rich in saturated fats and carbohydrates, which increases the chances of getting pimples and high blood sugar level. Instead of this, try to include foods are rich in antioxidants.
These are rich in high sugar and preservatives. It causes loss of appetite and reduces the immunity of the body to fight the bacteria. Moreover, there is a high chance of getting recurrent skin infections.
As it is rich in high calorie and fat, it increases the blood cholesterol level and causes oily face with pimples. To get rid of this, we should avoid fried snacks and non vegetarian items.
The high amount of alcohol increases the urination, causes dehydration and finally results in wrinkled skin. To avoid this, we should drink minimum 3-5 litres of water especially in summer season.
The caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol hormone, thus it leads to weight gain and aging. We should limit the intake of caffeine rich foods for the healthy skin.